Dr. Amy Bucher literally wrote the book on behavior change.
She joined the podcast to discuss how #GenAI can transform what tech is possible of achieving on a human outcome level:
- How AI can open entire new possibilities for behavioural change and lead to monumental outcomes
- Opportunities and risks of leveraging AI personalization
- Reinforcement learning and what it is
- Objective-driven AI and how we should start focusing more on outcomes
- Why wearables may open new possibilities
- Considerations around proprietary vs. commercially-available AI
- And - Why having a AI scientist will be critical for any team and that it may not be as hard to hire for as you think
Episode is also available on Spotify, Youtube, Apple Podcast
Amy is the Chief Behavioral Officer at Lirio, where she leads a team of behavioral scientists and health experts focused on designing AI-powered behavior change journeys to drive better personal and population health. She brings over 15 years of experience in digital health product design coupled with deep behavioral science training. Amy is a recognized expert on applying the psychology of motivation to design, and is also the author of Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change, published by Rosenfeld Media.
References from the episode
Com B model for behavior change
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence
Christopher Symons: Chief Artificial Intelligence Scientist at Lirio
Sci Space: Do hours worth of reading in minutes (Literature review)
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